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Date: Monday 7th January - Saturday 12th January

Entry fee: $5

Closing date for entries: 05/01/2019


FIRST PRIZE: $200 Apple Store or JB Hi-Fi Voucher and Sight-Reading Champion TROPHY

Runner-Up $50 KBB/Rockshop Voucher


How it works:

Entrants will be assigned a sight-reading factory account if they don't already have one. The tournament will be judged via sight-reading factory submissions. You must have access to a device that can run a web browser or app with microphone.

On Sunday 6th January there will be a random draw of participants into even pool groups. These groups will be emailed to everyone in the tournament.

On Monday 7th January each entrant will receive an assignment to complete with three recorded attempts. Each attempt will be recorded following a 2 minute count-down during which the entrant may practice the piece of music. Then the sight-reading factory app will count in and the entrant will be recorded as they attempt to perform the piece. After the recording has been completed the entrant may review the recording with the music score and decide whether they want to submit that recording for the tournament round or try again. If they choose to try again then a new piece of music will be displayed and the 2 minute count-down begins again. Entrants will have three attempts per round of the tournament. Each day, assignments will close at 5.00pm so entrants must ensure they have submitted a recording before that time.

You must win your pool to advance to the next day of the tournament. There will be 6 rounds in total (Monday-Saturday). Results will be emailed out each day by 9.00pm.


How to enter:

Fill in the form below. The $5 entry fee will be added to your term 1 invoice.



Can I practise before I am recorded?

Yes, each attempt has a 2 minute countdown when you can practice before the recording starts.


How is this a fair competition?

Entrants will be given pieces which are specific to their level.


How will the competition be assessed?

Submissions received will be marked on accuracy of performance, compared with the musical score.


I learn two instruments, can I enter twice?

You can enter on one instrument, or both if you want to (as long as you are learning both instruments with us). It's good to practice sight-reading on both!

Entry Form:

Congrats! You’re entered!

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